# Kangaroo change
# Kangaroo v6.0.1
- Add SQL dialect support(SQLite/SQLServer/MySQL/MariaDB/PostgreSQL/SQL standard)
- Refactor the routine view
- Refactor editor search widget
- Update editor's position and label
- Add user defined object(UDF) support
- Add AI large model setting support
- Add AI large model context menu(Query/View/Routine)
- Add AI assistant chat pane
- Add AI assistant stream support
- Update Chinese translation(zh-CN/zh-SG/zh-Hans/zh-Hant)
# Kangaroo v5.3.1
- EditorConfig specification support
- Add Recent file/folder support
- Workbench: Add full screen support
- Workspace: Add zen mode support
- Workspace: Refactor query button's menu
- Add tooltip for home center page(ESC key/Middle click back to work)
- User file locations support
- Rename menu item label(Source -> View source)
- DropDown add search support
- Explorer: Implement rename support
- Query view: Add save as support
- Query view: Improve result pane position
- Improve datagrid pagination support
- Switch update process(curl) to internal thread
- Refactor macOS app menu support
- SQLite: Add generated column support
- SQLite: Add extension module support
- SQLite: Add builtin pragma support
- SQLite: Add compile options support
- SQLite: Add builtin function support
- SQLite: Add column rename support
- SQLite: Add auto increment update support
- SQLite: Patch table support
- SQLite: Patch view support
- SQLite: Patch index support
- SQLite: Patch trigger support
- MySQL: Patch view support
- MySQL: Patch index support
- MySQL: Patch trigger support
- MariaDB: Patch view support
- MariaDB: Patch index support
- MariaDB: Patch trigger support
- PostgreSQL: Add rule object support
- PostgreSQL: Patch view support
- PostgreSQL: Patch index support
- PostgreSQL: Patch trigger support
- PostgreSQL: rename/enable/disable support
- PostgreSQL: User/Role's login and nologin support
- Fixed: file pane's sort issue
- Fixed: history log filter menu state
- Update Chinese translation(zh-CN/zh-SG/zh-Hans/zh-Hant)
# Kangaroo v5.2.1
- Improve data grid column width
- Improve log history view experience
- Query view results view orientation support
- MySQL: improve table view patch script
- MySQL: rename column support
- MySQL: add vector type support
- MySQL: improve primary key support
- MySQL: unknown column DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION
- MariaDB: improve table view patch script
- MariaDB: improve primary key support
- MariaDB: rename column support
- MariaDB: add vector type support
- PostgreSQL: improve table view patch script
- PostgreSQL: improve primary key support
- PostgreSQL: rename column support
- PostgreSQL: add vector type support
- PostgreSQL: improve check/exclude/rule/trigger support
- PostgreSQL: generated column support
- PostgreSQL: enable/disable support
- PostgreSQL: inherit table support
- SQL Server: improve primary key support
- SQL Server: rename column support
- SQLite: improve primary key support
- Fixed: table view live column issue
- Update Chinese translation(zh-CN/zh-SG/zh-Hans/zh-Hant)
# Kangaroo v5.1.0
- Refactor starter to improve performance
- Add main menu items(Home)
- MySQL: add default role page
- MySQL: split user and role relation page to roles and members
- MySQL: refactor user and role privilege page
- MySQL: refactor user and role patch script
- MariaDB: add default role page
- MariaDB: split user and role relation page to roles and members
- MariaDB: refactor user and role privilege page
- MariaDB: refactor user and role patch script
- PostgreSQL: split user and role relation page to roles and members
- PostgreSQL: refactor user and role privilege page
- PostgreSQL: refactor user and role patch script
- Refactor preference's editor page: editor scheme preview
- SQLite: disable user authentication support
- Object edit preview page make as read only
- Fixed: LIBSOUP3 post issue
- Fixed: user/role context menu issue
- Fixed: history log can't move back
- Fixed: Windows manifest permission issue
- Update Chinese translation(zh-CN/zh-SG/zh-Hans/zh-Hant)
# Kangaroo v5.0.0
- Add privilege dialog
- Add object select dialog
- Improve Windows installer
- Refactor builder's where page
- Refactor content view where page
- SQL Server: implement server role support
- SQL Server: implement database role support
- SQL Server: implement application role support
- PostgreSQL: split user's comment as a sub page
- PostgreSQL: refactor user general page
- PostgreSQL: split role's comment as a sub page
- PostgreSQL: refactor role general page
- PostgreSQL: fixed user/role context menu issue
- Update Chinese translation(zh-CN/zh-TW/zh-SG/zh-HK)
# Kangaroo v4.99.9
- Improve intellisense experience
- Add HTTP/WebSocket tunnel support
- SQL Server: Implement sql view object support
- SQL Server: Implement function object support
- SQL Server: Implement Database object support
- Update Chinese translation(zh-CN/zh-TW/zh-SG/zh-HK)
- Fixed: copy row as feature issues
- Fixed: SQL Server connection issue
# Kangaroo v4.99.1
- Improve connection workspace close experience
- macOS: refactor app menu
- SQLServer: add contained database support
- SQLServer: improve table designer support
- SQLServer: implement login designer support
- SQLServer: implement user designer support
- Fixed: SQL Server transaction support
- Fixed: preference dialog issue
- Fixed: invalid data caused editor assertion crash
- Fixed: history log caused editor assertion crash
- Update Chinese translation(zh-CN/zh-TW/zh-SG/zh-HK)
# Kangaroo v4.98.1
- SQL Server support (80%)
- Improve datagrid column width support
- Improve designer experience: intelligent type matching and append column quickly.
- Refactor workspace toolbar
- Add application menu
- Update Chinese translation(zh-CN/zh-TW/zh-SG/zh-HK)
# Kangaroo v4.0.0
- App theme support
- Improve cell image show experience
- Update workspace panel behavior
- Update Chinese translation(zh-CN/zh-TW/zh-SG/zh-HK)
- Fixed: create snippet issue
# Kangaroo v3.99.2
- Starter page add customize support
- Update modules file property
- Improve datagrid column width
- SQLite: Replace sqlcipher with sqlite3mc
- SQLite: add compatible tip for other tools
- SQLite: adjust the data type for UI
- Refactor execute action to support multiple statements
- Update Chinese translation(zh-CN/zh-TW/zh-SG/zh-HK)
- Fixed: pack value with incorrect data type
# Kangaroo v3.99.1
- Add connection group/organization support
- Improve explorer search support
- Update current cell background color
- Add activation support
- Add multiple model view support
- Add hint and confirm support for workbench
- PostgreSQL: hide template and temp database
- Update Chinese translation(zh-CN/zh-TW/zh-SG/zh-HK)
- Improve NULL value support
- Fixed: MySQL/MariaDB dump crash issue
- Fixed: collector thread crash issue
- Fixed: export structure and data to file issue
- Fixed: source editor style scheme issue
- Fixed: SQL beauty and minify format issue
- Fixed: workspace layout reload issue
- Fixed: workspace layout save issue(app close)
- Fixed: entity-relation model close issue
# Kangaroo v3.93.1
- Add main toolbar icon setting support
- Add download link for SSH tool
- Image view add file drop support
- Text view add file drop support
- Refactor object tree view
- Refactor SQL builder view
- Refactor model view with UI support
- Improve content builder column layout
- Improve binary value display text
- Improve tree view performance
- Improve explorer view message text
- Implement upgrade support
- Implement model paste action
- Update app icons
- Update menu item
toView source
- Update function and procedure menu labels
- SQLite: add other extensions support
- SQLite: fixed schema missing issue
- SQLite: fixed load database issue
- SQLite: fixed zero length binary data issue
- MySQL: fixed system view issue
- MariaDB: fixed system view issue
- MariaDB: Fixed user and role load issue
- Fixed: locate the initial database tables
- Fixed: content builder where page crash
- Fixed: console warning message
- Fixed: empty statement issue
- Fixed: timestamp with zero value issue
- Fixed: DateTime with ISO8601 format parse issue
- Fixed: model view can't handle user keyboard input
- Fixed: history view warning message
- Fixed: connections sync with multi-workspace
- Fixed: SQL file extension issue
# Kangaroo v3.92.1
- GTK4 upgrade to 4.12
- libadwaita upgrade to 1.4 beta
- Add Redhat series package support(rpm)
- Add code snippet support
- Code snippet pane(filter/drag and drop)
- Code snippet dialog
- Code snippet intellisense
- Code snippet setting
- Code snippet context menu for query view
- Add execute menu item for query view context menu
- Refactor history view
- Refactor color text view
- Refactor minor toolbar style
- Refactor toolbar setting
- Refactor exportor columns page
- Refactor exportor tables page
- Refactor exportor option page
- Refactor model entity dialog
- QR code add kangaroo logo
- Updated Chinese translation(zh-CN/zh-TW/zh-SG/zh-HK)
- Fixed: libsoup connection issue
- Fixed: document UI data display issue
- Fixed: status bar missing data issue
- Fixed: connection id issue
# Kangaroo v3.91.1 (Beta)
- Port to libadwaita 1.4
- Refactor GtkSwitch.state to active
- Add database library version for about dialog
- Add Chinese support(zh_Hans/zh_Hant)
- Improve workspace status bar
- Updated Chinese translation(zh-CN/zh-TW/zh-SG/zh-HK)
- MariaDB: add table designer pages
- MariaDB: fixed foreign key issue
- MySQL: add missing type: TIMESTAMP
- PostgreSQL: fixed type and collation issue
- SQLite: fixed schema issue
- Data transfer: initialize default options
- Data transfer: add log output
- Data transfer: Fixed target connection issue
# Kangaroo v3.90.1 (Beta)
- Add transfer/structure sync/data sync UI
- Implent transfer bussiness logic
- Implement structure sync business logic
- SQLite Encryption Extension support(SQLCipher)
- MySQL: Improve TEXT/BLOB type support
- MariaDB: Improve TEXT/BLOB type support
- Make dialog window stay center
- Add language switch support
- Improve preference window performance
- Updated Chinese translation(zh-CN/zh-TW/zh-SG/zh-HK)
- Fixed MySQL/MariaDB field flag issue
# Kangaroo v2.99.3 (Beta)
- Windows: GTK4 upgrade to 4.11.2
# Kangaroo v1.10.3 (Beta)
- Windows: GTK4 upgrade to 4.11.1
- Fixed:Chinese support issue
# Kangaroo v2.99.2 (Beta)
- Add sandbox support(Windows only)
- GTK4 upgrade to 4.10.3
- libadwaita upgrade to 1.3.1
# Kangaroo v2.99.1 (Beta)
- SQLite: add direct access support
- MySQL: add direct access support
- MariaDB: add direct access support
- PostgreSQL: add direct access support
- Improved floating-point display support
- Improved connection establishment
- Updated Chinese translation(zh-CN/zh-TW/zh-SG/zh-HK)
# Kangaroo v2.3.2 (Beta)
- MySQL: Add executor menu item
- MariaDB: Add executor menu item
- PostgreSQL: Add executor menu item
- Update datagrid normal style bg color
- Update Chinese translation(zh-CN/zh-TW/zh-SG/zh-HK)
- Fixed: Unknown SCHEMA_COMMENT (< MariaDB 10.5.md)
- Fixed: executor's file dialog issue
- Fixed: intellisense issue
- Fixed: datagrid craches
# Kangaroo v2.3.1 (Beta)
- Add query file pane
- Add model file pane
- Update toolbar style
- Workspace add split support (vertical or horizontal)
- Workspace add status bar
- Workspace add language support
- Workspace add line ending support
- Workspace add file encoding support
- Workspace add word wrap support
- Workspace add indentation support
- Workspace add position support
- Workspace add pane switching support
- Workspace add worksheet message support
- Update about window(System information)
- Update RPM installer script
- Update Chinese translation(zh-CN/zh-TW/zh-SG/zh-HK)
- Remove view submenu from main menu
# Kangaroo v2.2.1 (Beta)
- Add executor dialog
- Add dump & tranform dialog
- Add time cost for query
- SQLite: fixed index load issue
- SQLite: fixed backup name issue
- MariaDB: fixed schema scope issue
- MySQL: fixed schema scope issue
- PostgreSQL: fixed v15 user info issue
- Update intellisense proposal's icon
- Update Chinese translation(zh-CN/zh-TW/zh-SG/zh-HK)
- Update Windows installer to select drivers defaultly
- Update GTK library to 4.9.2
# Kangaroo v2.1.1 (Beta)
- Add dynamic QR code support
- Add debian package support
- Implement designer's clone menu action
- Implement designer's copy/paste action
- Add designer's cut menu item
- Add SQL
statement with format support - Add SQL
statement support - Refactor SQL beautify and minify
- Improve editor undo support
- Update linux package script
- Update Chinese translation(zh-CN/zh-TW/zh-SG/zh-HK)
- Fixed: app crashed while closing book page
- Fixed: SSH label issue
# Kangaroo v2.0.0 (Beta)
- Refactor importer page (columns/preview)
- Refactor columns selection dialog
- Refactor SQLite columns dialog
- Refactor PostgreSQL columns dialog
- Refactor MySQL columns dialog
- Refactor type values dialog (Enum/set)
- Refactor documents dialog
- Refactor DataGrid events and context menu
- Replace icon with symbolic icon
- Implement form view edit and save support
- Implement table view edit and save support
- Implement Binary/BLOB import/export/save support
- Improve SQLite schema support
- Form view navigation support
- Update Chinese translation(zh-CN/zh-TW/zh-SG/zh-HK)
- Fixed numeric value lost its decimal issue
- Fixed toolbar icon size issue
- Fixed explorer DataGrid issue
- Fixed import data failure issue
- Fixed index loading crash issue
- Fixed repo tree node change issue
- Fixed SQLite function crash issue
- Fixed application warning messages
- Fixed compiler warning messages
- Fixed context menu dump action issue
# Kangaroo v1.99.1 (Dev)
- Normalize DataModel and MetaModel
- Refactor documents dialog
- Refactor export pages
- Refactor import pages
- Refactor connection dialog
- Add attach database dialog
- Upgrade libsoup2 to libsoup3
- Add ODBC general support
- Add ODBC help entry point
- Add object search support
- Update Windows and ArchLinux installer and deploy script
- SQLite: attach and detach database
- SQLite: load extension support
- Improve the way to create new connection
- Update Chinese translation(zh-CN/zh-TW/zh-SG/zh-HK)
- Fixed shortcut file issue
# Kangaroo v1.98.1 (Dev)
- DataGrid add style for current cell
- SQLite: refactor table designer
- MySQL: refactor table designer
- PostgreSQL: refactor table designer
- Normalize column's length/precision/scale
- Update the Chinese translation(zh-CN/zh-TW/zh-SG/zh-HK)
- Fixed ODBC CHAR/WCHAR data type issue
- Fixed connection's driver missed issue
- Fixed drop SQLite file to create connection issue
- Fixed MySQL/MariaDB encoding(Chinese) issue
# Kangaroo v1.97.1 (Dev)
- Update windows deploy script
- Update ArchLinux build script
- Upgrade close confirm dialog
- Refactor datagrid with ColumnView
- Windows installer support ODBC drivers
- Improve Windows installer l10n support
- Improve object explorer sort support
- Improve content builder
- Improve SQL builder
- Improve DBNull value support
- Update the Chinese translation(zh-CN/zh-TW/zh-SG/zh-HK)
- Fixed ODBC connection issues
# Kangaroo v1.10.2 (Beta)
- Remove app expire date
- Windows: update library to the latest.
# Kangaroo v1.96.1 (Dev)
- Replace libgda with ODBC
- Add general database support
- Update the Chinese translation(zh-CN/zh-TW/zh-SG/zh-HK)
# Kangaroo v1.95.1 (Dev)
- MySQL: Add role designer
- MySQL: Add schema designer
- MySQL: Add database designer
- MariaDB: Add role designer
- MariaDB: Add schema designer
- MariaDB: Add database designer
- PostgreSQL: Add role designer
- PostgreSQL: Add schema designer
- PostgreSQL: Add database designer
- Update explorer view with database and schema support
- Refactor object tree context menu
- Bind tab title with explorer title
- Update the Chinese translation(zh-CN/zh-TW/zh-SG/zh-HK)
# Kangaroo v1.94.1 (Dev)
- MySQL: Add function designer
- MySQL: Add procedure designer
- MySQL: Add user designer
- MariaDB: Add function designer
- MariaDB: Add procedure designer
- MariaDB: Add user designer
- PostgreSQL: Add function designer
- PostgreSQL: Add procedure designer
- PostgreSQL: Add user designer
- Add runtime version support on About window
- Update the Chinese translation(zh-CN/zh-TW/zh-SG/zh-HK)
- Fixed: workspace view issue
- Fixed: autosave cache file issue
# Kangaroo v1.93.1 (Dev)
- SQLite: Add index designer
- SQLite: Add trigger designer
- SQLite: Refactor data view designer to improve support
- MySQL: Add index object support
- MySQL: Add trigger object support
- MySQL: Add index designer
- MySQL: Add trigger designer
- MySQL: Refactor data view designer to improve support
- MariaDB: Add index object support
- MariaDB: Add trigger object support
- MariaDB: Add index designer
- MariaDB: Add trigger designer
- MariaDB: Refactor data view designer to improve support
- PostgreSQL: Add index designer
- PostgreSQL: Add trigger designer
- PostgreSQL: Refactor data view designer to improve support
- Add connection detail view for workspace
- Update repository tree icon
- Update the Chinese translation(zh-CN/zh-TW/zh-SG/zh-HK)
- Refactor starter view
- Refactor repository view
- Fixed: data view designer's restore issue
- Fixed: workspace menu loading issue
- Fixed: crash while active_id is null
- Fixed: editor input issue while having selection
- Fixed: can't load schema views for MySQL/MariaDB
- Fixed: crashed while PostgreSQL database is empty
# Kangaroo v1.92.1 (Dev)
- Add explorer view(Table + Iconic)
- Add search and sort support
- SQLite: load objects for explorer
- MariaDB: load objects for explorer
- MySQL: load objects for explorer
- PostgreSQL: load objects for explorer
- Add context menu for objects
- Implement context menu for table and view
- Refactor workspace toolbar
- Update database object icon
- Update the Chinese translation(zh-CN/zh-TW/zh-SG/zh-HK)
# Kangaroo v1.91.1 (Dev)
- Refactor workbench and workspace
- Refactor import/export
- Refactor intellisense
- Refactor toolbars
- Refactor sql builder
- Refactor app expire notification
- Improve titlebar skin support
- Improve dialog style
- Split setting into app setting and server setting
- Move intellisense data to user document folder
- Update the Chinese translation(zh-CN/zh-TW/zh-SG/zh-HK)
- Fixed: can't open url with default app
- Fixed: insert sql error(user_name -> user__name)
- Fixed: model view crashed
- Fixed: DSV formats has a extra column
- Fixed: scalable image size issue
- Fixed: warning messages
# Kangaroo v1.90.1 (Dev)
- Update UI toolkit from GTK3 to GTK4
- Update UI library to GTK4 version
- Update GtkSoureceView from 4 to 5
- Merge setting and shortcut dialog
- Add document overview map
- Add style scheme support
- Add development support
- MySQL: Add user and privilege management support
- MariaDB: Add user and privilege management support
- PostgreSQL: Add user and privilege management support
# Kangaroo v1.10.1 (Beta)
- Add visual sql builder dialog
- Add values window
- Add icon for datagrid context menu
- Add copy cell value with algorithm
- Add update cell value with algorithm
- Improve connection naming schema
- Improve toolbar layout
- Improve float type support
- Update the Chinese translation(zh-CN/zh-TW/zh-SG/zh-HK)
- Fixed: invalid sql while large text type(PostgreSQL)
- Fixed: designer's checkbox not response.
- Fixed: connection crashed(MySQL/PostgreSQL)
- Fixed: can't load source of view(PostgreSQL)
- Fixed: MacOS Chinese not support
- Fixed: invalid sql while meet the same cell value
# Kangaroo v1.9.1 (Dev)
- Add view designer
- Add Toolbar control
- Upgrade library libgda to 6.0.1
- Improve connection stability for MySQL/MariaDB
- Refactor repository's context menu
- Implement rename function for SQLite
- Implement rename function for MySQL/MariaDB
- Implement new/edit/source/rename/dump/copy names function for view
- Refactor query view's toolbar
- Update the Chinese translation(zh-CN/zh-TW/zh-SG/zh-HK)
- Add column reorder support for data grid
- Improve format of DataTime/TimeStamp
- Add geometric point type support
- Add large text type support
- Improve installer for windows and MacOS
- Fixed: non-response while clicking the triangle icon on the tree
- Fixed: NULL/Empty string invalid
- Fixed: can't show view's columns in the model view
- Fixed: enlarge model view while importing objects.
- Fixed: can't load index entries (MySQL)
- Fixed: can't modify boolean data
- Fixed: warning message while loading intellisense data.
# Kangaroo v1.8.1 (Dev)
- Improve toolbar effect(show label and large icon default)
- Improve the tab title for Query view
- Open one instance of the same view only
- Update app desktop entry's category
- Add import/generate buttons for the model toolbar
- Model: implement import entity models from the database
- Model: load and save data of the table and view node
- Model: implement change and close notification
- Model: Add entity dialog
- Model: improve effect of node(table / view / shape)
- Fixed: can't show columns on the non-column page
- Fixed: can't load libgda's plugin
- Fixed: can't show node while loading large model file
# Kangaroo v1.7.1 (Dev)
- Implement hex editor support (completed)
- Add workspace tab UI support (completed)
- Add independent history support(completed)
- Add shortcut customize support(completed)
- Add data chart support (in progress)
- Add database model support (in progress)
- Add load and save model support
- Add node copy and paste support
- Add multi-selection support
- Drag and drop SQLite file on the workspace to open it #76
- Refactor app home page to improve experience
- Copy data as LUA table
- improve object tree experience
- Backup and restore workspace layout
- Add more language support
- Improve log support(add database and connection name)
- File monitor support for sql script file
- refactor content view to show feature bar
- all data tables are displayed by default
- refactor object panel to improve UI experience
- Add shortcut dialog for search and setup;
- Improve app title bar style, add color and image support.
- Add shell notification support
- Add confirm dialog while closing pages
- Refactor tool bar with GtkToolbar widget
- Fixed: Access denied: you need the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation
- Fixed: close tab view after deleted the database object.
- Fixed: update tab view after renamed the database object.
- Fixed: can't get system name on MacOS platform
# Kangaroo v1.6.1 (Dev)
- Implement hex editor support (completed)
- Add workspace tab UI support (completed)
- Add independent history support(completed)
- Add shortcut customeize support(completed)
- Add data chart support (in progress)
- Add database model support (in progress)
# Kangaroo v1.5.1 (Dev)
- Implement hex editor support (completed)
- Add workspace tab UI support (completed)
- Add data chart support (in progress)
- Add database modeling support (in progress)
# Kangaroo v1.0.6 (Beta)
- Update domain to www.datatable.online
# Kangaroo v1.3.1 (Dev)
- Implement hex editor (completed)
- Add data chart support(in progress)
- Add workspace tab ui support(in progress)
# Kangaroo v1.0.5 (Beta)
- Implement context menu for cell value
- Improve database null value support
- Improve text view for cell value, support to detect charset and convert to UTF-8
- Improve the China mainland user accessibility: show changelog
- Improve mysql connection stability
- Fixed: fail to change cell value viewer
- Fixed: copy short and full name invalid
# Kangaroo v0.99.3 (Beta)
- Refactor container and service module
- Improve the performance of content and query view
- Update datagrid toolbar icon
- Fixed: can't open mariadb database
# Kangaroo v0.99.2 (Beta)
- Improve Mac OS X installer and portable packages
- Improve tools page locale support
- Update Chinese(zh-CN/zh-TW/zh-HK/zh-SG)
- Fixed: 提示 MySQL server has done away 后,没有自动\手动重连 #63
- Fixed: plugin caching sha2 password could not be loaded #64
- Fixed: console warning message
# Kangaroo v0.99.1 (Beta)
- Improve designer to notify user save change
- Improve message dialog to show title
- Improve preview tab to show change only
- Update SQLite/MySQL/PostgreSQL meta model
- Improve windows installer to add license and language support
- Make kangaroo portable #59
# Kangaroo v0.33.1 (Dev)
- Update title bar and tab bar CSS style
- Improve date&time picker
- Improve date&time renderer
- Implement date&time editing in grid and form
- Update windows deploy script to include libpeas loaders
- Update meson script to add dependencies(pdf/draw/map)
- Update meson script to improve debug support
- Fixed: can't show animation image(.gif)
# Kangaroo v0.32.1 (Dev)
- Implement to generate W3C html document
- Implement to generate markdown document
- Update import/export icon image
# Kangaroo v0.31.1 (Dev)
- Implement BLOB content identity
- Implement SQLite BLOB column handle(import / export / set null)
- Implement MySQL BLOB column handle(import / export / set null)
- Implement PostgreSQL BLOB column handle(import / export / set null)
- Implement view BLOB data as string
- Apply tight style for find and replace box
# Kangaroo v0.30.1 (Dev)
- Add app relate plugin search path
- Add data viewer pane and button
- Implement text and image vierer
- Update button with flat style
# Kangaroo v0.29.1 (Dev)
- Implement plugin system
- Implement a example plugin
- Update ArchLinux and MacOSX installer
- Update protable package(more *nixable)
# Kangaroo v0.28.1 (Dev)
- Implement search and replace function
- Update the Chinese translation
# Kangaroo v0.27.1 (Beta)
- Improve intellisense data for PostgreSQL
- Improve auto-completion style(icon/filter by input)
- Add function's call tip(highlighting/bold/auto location/data)
- Implement copy focused column name(short/full)
- Implement copy datagrid column name(TSV/CSV)
- Update package name
- Update the Chinese translation
# Kangaroo v0.26.1 (Dev)
- Add intellisense data support(SQLite/MySQL/PostgreSQL)
- Add auto completion for code view(v1)
# Kangaroo v0.25.1 (Beta)
- Add context menu for workspace notebook widget
- Add new query menu for object tree item(database/schema).
- Update the Chinese translation(zh-CN/zh-TW/zh-HK/zh-SG).
- Fixed: PostgreSQL 12: tables not visible #46
- Fixed: MariaDB 10.5: Unknown column 'cons.ENFORCED' in 'field list' #47
- Fixed: PostgreSQL 12: column c.consrc does not exist #48
- Fixed: PostgreSQL 11.7 / 9.6: row 1 out of range(0-0) #49
- Fixed: MySQL 5.7.30: Unknown table 'CHECK_CONSTRAINTS' in information_schema #50
- Fixed: PostgreSQL 9.6: column c.relispartition does not exist #51
- Fixed: PostgreSQL: invalid schemas in database
- Fixed: display invalid while column name has underline(_)
# Kangaroo v0.24.1 (Dev)
- Add SQL Formatter to beautify and minify sql code.
- Add archlinux installer(based on HowardZorn's working).
- Add macos installer
# Kangaroo v0.23.1 (Beta)
- Improve date / datetime picker widget.
- Improve app title bar to add background image(color).
- Improve data grid column title.
- Improve Chinese translations.
- Fixed: can't update date/time/datetime type.
- Fixed: can't update float value
- Fixed: can't update numeric value
- Fixed: MySQL: can't save char column data
- Fixed: PostgreSQL: invalid object name in sql
- Fixed: invalid toolbar state while swtich to grid.
# Kangaroo v0.22.1 (Beta)
- Add Chinese(zh-CN/zh-TW/zh-HK/zh-SG) translation.
- SQLite: add file extension(.sqlite) for new database.
- Improve experience for designer / fresh / delete operation
- Improve deploy and installer script for automation.
- Fixed: crash while renaming object.
- Fixed: crash while deleting object.
- Fixed: crash while saving schema for sqlite
- Fixed: can't append row on the empty table
- Fixed: can't save appended row in live mode
# Kangaroo v0.21.1 (Beta)
- Refactor the entire datagrid to make great experience.
- Support 3 kind of mode: LIVE / CACHE / TRANSACTION
- Support copy and paste multi rows in data grid.
- Chnage mode automatically while paste multi rows.
- fixed: where statement error in query builder
# Kangaroo v0.20.1 (Dev)
- Implement copy function in the datagrid.
- refactor context menu of structure designer.
- Implement clone function for designer form.
- Implement append function for designer form.
- Support multi rows of delete/move up/move down function.
- Implement copy function for designer form.
- Implement cut function for designer form.
- Implement paste function for designer form.
- Improve text performance of datagrid.
# Kangaroo v0.19.1 (Dev)
- Implement copy object name menu on dbtree.
- Implement copy as SQL(Insert/Update/Delete) in the datagrid.
- Implement copy as TSV in the datagrid
- Implement copy as CSV in the datagrid
- Implement copy as PHP array in the datagrid
- Implement copy as JSON in the datagrid
- Improve paned widget border style.
- fixed: crashed while stringize the blob column
- fixed: crashed while no primary key
- fixed: crashed while primary key contain character(_)
- fixed: warning message while column with empty value
- fixed: warning message while invalid calling(to_string)
# Kangaroo v0.18.1 (Dev)
- encrypt user password to keep user passwords safe.
- Implement insert, clone and delete functionality in the datagrid.
- Implement connection clone functionality in the start view
- Implement dump sql functionality on the dbtree
- Implement table schema editor on the dbtree
- Implement refresh functionality on the dbtree
- Improve workspace tab behavior(auto hide for one)
- fixed: return key behavior invalid on the dbtree
- fixed: crashed while open table with null value
# Kangaroo v0.17.0 (Dev)
- Support connection over SSH tunnel (Windows, Linux/Unix and MacOS)
- Add testing support for connection dialog
- Refactor context menu of datagrid
- Add dump sql (file and text) menu for dbtree
- Implement selection menu of datagrid
- Implement goto cell menu of datagrid
- Fixed: crashed while switching grid to form.
# Kangaroo v0.16.0 (Dev)
- Support SSH tunnel(Windows not yet pass test).
- Support input page number to switch page
- Improve: update layout of switch widget on dialog
- Fixed: can't open link on windows
- Fixed: log file index error
# Kangaroo v0.15.0 (Dev)
- Update and share openssl.vapi to keep user data safe.
- Improve language support(kangaroo.pot, zh_Hans and zh_Hant)
- Improve home view's web resource load performance
- Apply proxy setting for loading web resource
- Linux: change browser view to timeline text view
- Use combobox widget instead entry for log file size
# Kangaroo v0.14.0 (Dev)
- SQLite: support to create new database
- refactor database tree context menu
- integrated with openssl to keep user's password safe
- add pointer cursor for right panel icon
- fixed: update workbench default size while first run
# Kangaroo v0.13.0 (Dev)
- apply data grid style setting
- apply sql editor style setting
- windows 32bit version support
- implement SSH tunnel support(not yet integrate)
- minor change for connection dialog UI
- fixed: tool's icon incorrect on release version
# Kangaroo v0.12.1 (Dev)
- add setting dialog
- add dark theme support
- bind connection dialog with new setting model
- update start view with new setting model
# Kangaroo v0.11.1 (Dev)
- redesign connection dialog to support SSH and SSL
- add donate icon on home page(Paypal/Wechat/Alipay)
- redesign configuration model and file(init --> json)
- Use symbolic icons in the Header Bar(#25)
- fixed: edit data in grid will update all rows
# Kangaroo v0.11.0 (Dev)
- add app home page
- reimplement DSV format engine
- improve DSV compatible with other tools.
- improve DSV option UI layout
- improve date column editting support
- fixed: generate sql statement incorrect.
- fixed: crash while importing data
- fixed: can't save data while editting on data grid
- fixed: warning message about db tree
# Kangaroo v0.10.0 (Dev)
- add export assistant UI
- batch export table to file.
- support data formats(DSV/JSON/XML/HTML/Markdown/SQL)
- support title for column(rename)
# Kangaroo v0.9.5 (Dev)
- import data from DSV format
- import data from JSON format
- import data from XML format
- Rewritten export data as XML format with libxml2;
- add export modules assistant UI
- implement export format and table selection page
# Kangaroo v0.9.4 (Dev)
- add import summary page
- add five kinds of import mode
- import csv format data to table
- fixed logo can't show on linux and macos platform
# Kangaroo v0.9.3 (Dev)
- implement column mapping function
# Kangaroo v0.9.2 (Dev)
- Import data from file(dsv/xml/json) #19
- implement the import UI(format, encoding and preview)
- implement the import UI(DSV format option)
- implement the import UI(data preview)
- implement the import UI(column mapping)
- implement the import UI(process progress)
- implement DSV format parse and preview
# Kangaroo v0.9.1 (Dev)
- Export data to file(dsv(csv/tsv/...)/xml/json/sql/md/html) #18
- Export data to DSV format(CSV/TSV/...)
- Export data to JSON format
- Export data to XML format
- Export data to HTML format
- Export data to SQL format(INSERT)
- Export data to Markdown format
- Improve file filter of save dialog
# Kangaroo v0.9.0 (Dev)
- Edit table schema and save to database #5
- Export data to JSON and DSV format
# Kangaroo v0.8.5 (Dev)
- Edit table schema and save to database(SQLite and PostgreSQL preview) #5
- Add export data formats UI and interfaces
- Update tab's title while save the new table
# Kangaroo v0.8.4 (Dev)
- Rearrange db tree and UI #17
- Add refresh menu on db tree
- Implement multiple databases support
- Edit table schema and save to database(MySQL Preview) #5
# Kangaroo v0.8.3 (Dev)
- 新建连接时出现插件未加载错误 #12
Load plugin failed while create new connection #12 - Add MacOS compilation support #13
- refactor database model to improve interoperability
# Kangaroo v0.8.2 (Dev)
- improve: field selection dialog support to select fields by value(#9)
- improve: schema designer support to navigate with Tab key(#3)
- fixed: fields expression dialog reload value failed(#10)
- fixed: missing windows shortcut icon(start menu and desktop) (#7)
- fixed: missing syntax highlighting support(#8)
- fixed: load data in form view failed(#11)
# Kangaroo v0.8.1 (Dev)
- improve: generate exact correct editing sql
- refactor: add source code editor module
- improve SQLite schema sql builder
- fixed: text editor and code editor can't show blank line
- fixed: get string failed while create data row(console)
- fixed: console critical message while editing schema
# Kangaroo v0.8.0 (Dev)
- implement the builder of PostgreSQL(11.0.md)
- save table schema to database(create only)
- update build script: hide app console window
- update windows installer: add MySQL and PostgreSQL client library
- update the links on the about window
- improve single line edit control(auto focus)
- update gui cursor while busy
# Kangaroo v0.7.2 (Dev)
- Implement loader of PostgreSQL 11(full version)
- Improve designer form of PostgreSQL 11
- refactor content of Kangaroo repo
- create new site: dbkangaroo.github.io
- add windows installer script
# Kangaroo v0.6.0 (Dev)
- support edit and save in table
- support edit and save in form
- support i18n and l10n
- support chinese language
# Kangaroo v0.4.0 (Dev)
- support data pagination
- implemtnt query builder and apply it
- export data to file(.csv)
- show system log in output view
- edit and execute sql
- support multiple results
# Kangaroo v0.2.0 (Dev)
- add connection setup ui
- add connection manager
- show database structure tree in data panel
- show data in tree view